Gentle Sleep Coaching
for Babies and Children
Comprehensive coaching
Gentle Sleep Coaching Plans are comprehensive and customized to get you all the way from where you are to where you want to be.
Support when you need it
Ongoing support is always available once we have worked together. Reach out as your little one grows and new questions come up - or through life changes like moves and traveling.
Does any of this sound familiar?
The whole sleep thing is profoundly frustrating but you don’t know what to do about it.
You feel like you want to make a change but don’t know how to do so lovingly.
You dread nap and bedtime and sleep, in general, is causing tension in your family.
You are mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted!
Meet Selina
Selina believes babies should have loving and fully attuned caregivers. She also believes parents need rest in order to parent well and she understands these needs can be very hard to balance. Selina knows the exhaustion of caring for new babies. She is passionate about helping other exhausted moms and dads find their way toward some balance… more rest and happy parenting.
“I never ever ever ever would have expected that we would room share for 18 ½ months. Room sharing rocks. So happy we did it and felt your support in doing in”